picked up my repaired Janome sewing machine a few days ago. There was a one-day sale at Hancock’s on a
sewing table the same day, at about half the regular price. It has a cut-out for a machine that can be
raised or lowered. I was excited to have
the table for my machines, as the folding table I’d been using was not heavy
enough and it vibrated a lot when I sewed… especially when I was sewing pedal
to the metal, which is my speed of choice!
We measured the machine, measured the opening, and there was plenty of
space for my Janome. The Opal is a few
inches longer, so I was confident that would fit, as well. I called my son to stop by on his way home
from work to carry the heavy box in for me, which he did, and I anxiously
unpacked it… no assembly required, the box promised. Well, we had measured length and width, but
did not measure depth! My Janome sunk
about an inch below the table top. I
looked around my house for something that could bring it up to the correct
height, and spotted a cardboard bolt with fabric on it. Perfect height! Again, I measured and cut one end off so it
would fit lengthwise. But there is gap
on the back side of the machine. I think
it will still work okay. I plugged the
machine in, turned it on, sewed the final seam on a quilt top… and it began to
chirp. It chirped just a bit at first,
then worked itself into a frenzy, a constant barrage of chirping! Clearly, it did not want to sew! The machine is obviously not fixed. I will return it to the shop and have them
leave it turned on for a while so it can chirp its little tune for the
the Opal was returned to service. It
wasn’t too long for the opening on the table… there was barely enough room
lengthwise (I measured again!) but it would fit. However, it is almost ½” too wide and will
not fit in the opening. I tipped it one way, then the other (have you ever
tried bringing a box spring up a narrow, curved staircase?)… and it just will
not fit. I am extremely disappointed, to
say the least. I can still use it with
the cut-out portion up, but then it will be higher, which is one of the reasons
I wanted the table with the recessed opening for the machines. It is sturdier than the folding table I had
been using, so I think I’ll like it better than what I had before. Some days, it’s like taking one step forward
and two back!
also got a new ironing board cover, and after more contortions of pulling and
stretching, finally got it installed on the ironing board, so I can now press
with better results. While I was at
Walmart getting the ironing board cover, I bought some infant crew socks to
make these Snowman ornaments. They are
adorable, and easy to make… I have at least 20 to make, and I did seven of them
tonight. They are simple enough to make
that even children can help, making it a fun family project.
sock, size 6-18 month is the size I used.Cut off sock at heel line, see photo.
This doesn’t have to be perfect, so don’t stress out over it. Thread a needle and double the thread with a good, big knot. Hand stitch around the cut edge of the sock with a running stitch. Pull stitches tightly and stitch across the gathered stitches a couple of times, to close opening completely.
the stocking with poly fill. Using a
sturdy string or strong cotton yarn, tie tightly about a third of the way down
from the gathered edge. This is the head
of your snowman. Stuff the body portion
more fully. Using
a double thread again, stitch around the bottom “hem” of the stocking, using a
running stitch. Pull stitches
tightly. Again, stitch across several
times to secure the gathers and completely close the opening. Your snowman is finished and ready to be
dressed and embellished.
Take the part that you cut off and trim foot/toe portion of sock straight
as shown where the line is drawn in the photo. It doesn’t have to be perfect… the snowman
will not mind! This portion will be the
snowman’s hat. Turn the cut edge up
twice, so the raw edge is not exposed, and put it on your snowman’s head. I tacked the hat around to secure it. The hat also covers up the gathered edge at
the top of your snowman, and folding it up creates a sort of cuff to the
stocking cap.
Cut a piece of fabric of
your choice about ½” wide by about 8 or 9 inches long. Tie this around the snowman’s neck. I snipped about ¼” into the ends of the scarf
to create a fringe effect. As an
alternative, you can use a bulky yarn for the scarf. For some of the scarves, I braided 3 strands
of worsted weight yarn and knotted the ends, and for others I used 2 strands of
yarn and knotted the ends. Glue on
plastic eyes, or sew on beads for the eyes. If you want to spend another minute on your
little snowman, you can sew him a bead mouth and put an orange bead on to
signify the traditional carrot nose. Glue or sew on two or three buttons, beads, or glitter
gems for buttons down his tummy. Actually, they look cute without faces and
tummy decorations, too. Knot a length of
metallic cord on the top of the hat to hang the ornament on your tree.
These ornaments are simple to make, a fun
family project for children to help with, and not very costly. A package of 10 pairs of socks costs around
$5.00, and makes 20 snowmen. Here's another view of the snowmen on parade, at the right. This snowman shown below, with the stars on his tummy is the one my great-grandson, Lucas, liked best!

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